Submit Your Classified Ad

Placing an Online Classified Ad

Classified ads are confined to practice sales, practice and job opportunities for dentists and auxiliaries, those seeking opportunities, the personal sale of used equipment and service advertising, unless otherwise agreed upon by GSLDS.

Classified ads will be viewable online only. Many people prefer this method of viewing the classifieds, as the listings are updated in real time. The magazine, which is quarterly, often had a significant lag time between ad placement and the publication’s distribution.    

Classified Advertisers will now submit your ad and pay in advance for just the specific month(s) you need. There is no longer a separate invoice or need to call us to cancel your ad.  

The fees are as follows:

  • GSLDS Members and Affiliate Members: $20 per month
  • Non-Dentist Company: $30 per month
  • Non-ADA Dentist: $75 per month
  • Donation of Item: Free

Please complete the form below and Emily at the Dental Society will reach out to arrange payment. Please contact Emily, (314) 569-0444, with any questions.

NOTE: The Greater St. Louis Dental Society reserves the right to approve content and limit size of any classified ad.