CE Tracking for GSLDS Members

CE Tracking is an online system designed specifically for Greater St. Louis Dental Society and American Dental Association members to assist them with maintaining an accurate record of their professional development activities. This service is FREE to GSLDS member dentists.

We encourage you to take advantage of this unique member benefit. If you have any questions regarding using CE TRACKING, please contact the GSLDS at 314-569-0444.


The CE tracking system allows members to upload and add their outside CE course, so that their lists are comprehensive. Members can log their CE credits and can find already-logged CE credits for any courses they have taken through the ADA, MDA and GSLDS.

  • CE logged by members will be noted as unverified, since it is being added by the member.
  • CE in the system, which has been input automatically by the ADA, MDA or GSLDS, will be noted as verified.
Disclaimer: This is a tracking tool to aid dentists in keeping a record of their CE. It is the responsibility of each dentist to keep a complete CE record that is sufficient for license renewal and/or auditing purposes. The GSLDS accepts no liability for providing access to this CE tracking tool or for a complete record of a dentist’s CE participation.

CE Tracking Perks

  • FREE to GSLDS members.
  • You have 24/7 access to information.
  • All GSLDS, MDA and ADA sponsored events, including Mid-Continent Dental Congress, will be entered automatically into your record.

Missouri Dental Practice Act CE Requirements

Take Note! When keeping CE records, remember the requirements of the Missouri Dental Practice Act, outlined in 20 CSR 2110-2.240 Continuing Dental Education (page 15). Some specifics related to record retention include:

  • In order to renew a license, each dentist shall submit satisfactory evidence of completion of fifty (50) hours of continuing education during the two (2)-year period immediately preceding the renewal period.
  • The licensee shall report the number of hours obtained for the two (2)-year period just completed and shall attest to those hours by signing the form.
  • Each licensee shall retain records documenting his/ her completion of the required hours of continuing education for a minimum of six (6) years after the reporting period in which the continuing education was completed.
  • The records shall document the licensee’s attendance at the continuing education course including, but not limited to, retaining the titles of the courses taken, dates, locations, receipts, course sponsors, agendas, and number of hours earned.
  • The board may conduct an audit of licensees to verify compliance with the continuing education requirement. Licensees shall assist the board in its audit by providing timely and complete responses to the board’s inquiries.